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Welcome to Mirelle Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine

Wellness, Aesthetics, Education & Excellence




What is Anti-Aging Medicine?

What is Anti-Aging Medicine?

When young and healthy, the human body functions at optimal levels because it possesses the proper hormones that support the healthy body composition, metabolism, neurotransmitter management, inflammatory responses, and sexual function. As we age, the hormone levels are diminished, allowing oxidative stress and slower responses to support the functions I have mentioned above. Our skin changes it’s appearance, the response to stress decreases, our brain

slows down, our bones become brittle, hair starts thinning, weight gain becomes easier, and weight loss becomes almost impossible. Often patients show up in my practice seeking cosmetic improvements, reporting classical

aging, skin, metabolic, and psychological problems that if corrected, would allow for a higher quality of life, better and more youthful skin, accelerated metabolism, and often correction of underlying chronic illnesses. I am not surprised to learn that most of my new patients are on a handful of medications and

yet have poor control of their respective conditions. This is because hormonal dysregulation, which by the way can occur at any age when corrected remediates many health and aesthetic conditions, helping patients feel and look better, reduce their medication lists, and overall improve quality of life.

If this resonates with you, a consultation with me can change your life. Please schedule your appointment by calling 732-292-0100 and take full control of your health today.

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Dr. Corina Ianculovici DNP, A-GNP,FAAMFM, ABAAHP

A pioneer in the non-surgical revolution Dr. Ianculovici is an international injector trainer, researcher, and a faculty fellow of the American Cosmetic Cellular Medicine Association and the Aesthetic Medicine Academy. She currently serves as the New Jersey State Chair of the American Academy of Medical Esthetic Professionals and CEO of the American Board of Aesthetic and Cellular Medicine.




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